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Boston Massacre reenactment and commemoration

Boston Massacre reenactment and commemoration

Start : March 7, 2015 9:00 am
End : March 7, 2015 8:00 pm
Venue : Old State House
Address : 206 Washington Street, Boston, MA, United States

The Old State House will be abuzz with activity on Saturday, March 7, 2015 commemorating and reenacting the Boston Massacre on its 245th Anniversary. During the day, visit the Old State House for family programming that explores the Massacre and its aftermath.

As night falls, witness the famous event reenacted on the spot where it happened in 1770. The reenactment begins at 7:00 p.m., but come early and meet patriots, loyalists, and moderates who will share their stories of that shocking night.

February School Vacation Week

February School Vacation Week

Start : February 16, 2015 9:00 am
End : February 20, 2015 5:00 pm
Venue : Old State House
Address : 206 Washington Street, Boston, MA, United States

Come to the Old State House to learn about Boston’s colonial past. Young visitors can hunt for clues and artifacts using the Old State House scavenger hunt or drop-in on hands-on historical activities offered daily between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Practice the art of colonial quill and ink writing; fashion a royal coat of arms; and meet a Revolutionary Character who will share what it was like to live in Boston in the days before the American Revolution. All activities are free with admission. Kids 18 and under accompanied by an adult are admitted to the Old State House FREE! Check back for a schedule of activities.

Boston Massacre Events- ALL DAY! Reenactment @7pm

Boston Massacre Events- ALL DAY! Reenactment @7pm

Little Redcoats and Little Bostonians

Interactive Program for Children

10:30am and 1:30pm

Learn what life was like for Bostonians and British soldiers of Boston in the months leading up to the Boston Massacre. Free; in front of the Old State House.

Blood in the Snow

Short History Theater Performance

11:00am and 2:00pm

Delve into the stark choices that faced the British Acting Governor Thomas Hutchinson as shocked Bostonians demanded immediate action to prevent further bloodshed. Free with museum admission; in the Old State House.


Trial of the Century

Interactive Program for All Ages

11:30am and 2:30pm

Watch patriot lawyers John Adams and Josiah Quincy defend the British soldiers accused of murdering Bostonians. Audience members are invited to act as witnesses and jurors for the celebrated case.

Free with museum admission; in the Old State House.

(Space is limited; tickets for both performances go on sale at 9:00am at the Old State House Museum front desk.)

Boston Masssacre Reenactment


Witness the Boston Massacre reenacted in front of the Old State House, in the very area where it took place in March 1770. Before the action unfolds, hear from the patriots, loyalists, and moderates who will talk about the events and attitudes that led to that fateful night.

Free; in front of the Old State House

Tours Special Events and More

In addition to our Boston Massacre Tours, we run special programs and exhibits about the Boston Massacre all year round, including specialty tours and reenactments created specifically for kids and student groups.

Plus, every year you can experience the annual Boston Massacre reenactment right here in front of the Old State House. (See Reenactment Video and March Events Calendar for more details.)

Explore Boston Massacre Exhibits

Explore artifacts, exhibitions and artwork connected to the Massacre. Hear the sounds of teenagers taunting a lone British sentry. Experience the event through a fascinating display of spotlighted artifacts and ghostly images that tell the real story of how a petty dispute turned into a deadly riot.

  • The Boston Massacre Multimedia Theater
  • Paul Revere’s Engraving of the “Bloody Massacre”
  • Artifacts Recovered from the Scene of the Crime

Discover The True Story of the Boston Massacre

How did it Happen? Why did it Happen? Was it really a Massacre?

Find out everything you ever wanted to know about the Boston Massacre—and much, much more!

  • Tour the Boston Massacre Site
  • Get to Know the People Who Were There
  • Explore the Real History of the Event that Sparked a Revolution

View the History Channel video reenactment of the Boston Massacre shot right in front of the Old State House

The Boston Massacre Happened Here

The Boston Massacre Happened Here – Journey back to that cold wintry night of March 5, 1770, when a confrontation between British soldiers and an angry mob turned deadly. Visit the actual place outside the Old State House where the Massacre occurred, and experience the people and events that sparked a revolution.

Discover the True Story of
the Boston Massacre

Was it a massacre or did the British Soldiers shoot in self-defense? Get the facts and decide for yourself. >

Explore Boston Massacre Exhibits

Dig deeper into the story through engaging exhibits and our extensive collection of prized artifacts. >

Tours, Reenactments and More!

Take one of eight Boston Massacre Tours daily, included
FREE with your admission, and join us for special
reenactments and events. >

Celebrate 300 Years of Boston’s Most Historic Building

We’re celebrating the Old State House’s 300th Anniversary with special programs, events and exhibitions happening throughout 2013. Be part of the celebration and help us honor the people, ideas and events that made the Old State House the heart and soul of Revolutionary America. For information about the Bostonian Society and plans for the Old State House 300th Anniversary Celebration, please visit the Bostonian Society Website.

The Bostonian Society was established in 1881 to preserve colonial America’s most historic public building— the Old State House— and to illuminate the stories these halls tell of how Boston gave rise to our country’s most powerful founding ideas. In 2013, the Bostonian Society invites America to join it in celebrating the 300th anniversary of this national treasure. Join the Celebration!

Donate Now!

Revolutionary Boston at the Old State House is a registered trademark of The Bostonian Society, an IRS approved 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We rely on your donations and support in order to preserve the Old State House and to continue to provide our critically acclaimed RevolutionaryBoston Experience. Thank you for your generous support! Donate.

Revolutionary Boston at the Old State House

206 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02109 • 617.720.1713 • [email protected]

Revolutionary Boston is a registered trademark of the Bostonian Society
The Bostonian Society is an IRS approved 501(c)3 non-profit organization
© 2012-2013 Bostonian Society